Digamos que, as atuais vítimas do Brasil e do mundo são, sem dúvida, em número e diversidade, homens, mulheres de todas as faixas etárias, 70% são mulheres, é um dos ápices atingidos pelos psicopatas, e de uma "forma completa". Em toda a história da humanidade de forma assustadora, e de forma contínua, ininterrupta e com total segurança de impunidade, temos milhares de vítimas de práticas psicopatológicas que não se cansam de denunciar e pedir "socorro" e são empurradas para "debaixo do tapete" , resultando na IMPUNIDADE MAIS CONIVENTE DE PSICOPATAS DE TODA A HISTÓRIA E RECORD DE PRÁTICAS.
O que quero dizer com essa afirmação?
Simples, a vítima é uma presa indefensável, o judiciário está a mercê de tais profissionais da criminologia marginal, não tem presença física, mas estupram, torturam com vozes, perseguem, adentram a vida social, afetiva, religiosa da vítima, se tornando um deus, dentro de seus feitos e em sua própria concepção.
Em minhas denúncias sobre tais práticas contra os TIs (indivíduos alvos) sempre aleguei que, "esses psicopatas são de todas as profissões consideradas de futuro" por pais e familiares, e há conivência em todos os ramos da sociedade civil e militar.
Assustadora é a maneira "convincente" que a assistência judiciária destes elementos em "convencer" e, assim, contar com a contribuição de muitos que cercam às vítimas, se apresentam com "autoridade" cercando a vítima, mas de maneira sigilosa, e esse sigilo é guardado por aqueles que são mais próximos às vítimas, TIs.
Hoje, posto uma pesquisa realizada nos EUA sobre a questão e que vem de encontro a minha afirmação, qual publico há anos, não por dados estatísticos, mas por conhecimento do MODUS OPERANDI e atuação destes elementos altamente perigosos para a população mundial.
Vamos a pesquisa?
fonte: http://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/blogs/pordentrodasprofissoes/as-profissoes-com-mais-psicopatas/
As profissões com mais psicopatas
Amanda Previdelli | 14/11/2012
É isso mesmo que você leu. De acordo com um psicólogo dos Estados Unidos, algumas profissões têm mais psicopatas do que outras.
O psicólogo Kevin Dutton é especialista nesse distúrbio de personalidade e em seu livro “A sabedoria dos psicopatas: o que santos, espiões e serial killers têm a ensinar sobre o sucesso” causou bastante polêmica ao elencar as profissões que têm maior incidência de psicopatas.
Confira a lista (e compartilhe com seus colegas que querem prestar comunicação social!):
Comunicação Social (Rádio ou TV)
Sacerdote Religioso
Chef de Cozinha
They are not only victims of psychotronic crimes and mental torture, organic, and physiological, beyond the morals that are VICTIMS of psychopaths.
Let's say that the current Brazil and the world's victims are undoubtedly one of the climaxes achieved by psychopaths, and a "full form".
What I mean by that statement?
Simple, the victim is an indefensible prey, the judiciary is at the mercy of such professionals marginal criminology, has no physical presence, but rape, torture with voices, chase, step into the social, emotional, religious victim, becoming a god within their deeds and their own design.
In my complaints about such practices against Indigenous Lands (targets individuals) always I pleaded that "these psychopaths are all professions considered future" for parents and families, and there is collusion in all branches of the military and civil society.
Today, since a survey in the US on the issue and that is against my statement, which public for years, not by statistics but by knowledge of the modus operandi and performance of these highly dangerous elements for the world population.
Let the research?
Source: http://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/blogs/pordentrodasprofissoes/as-profissoes-com-mais-psicopatas/
The professions most psychopaths
Amanda Previdelli | 11/14/2012
That's what you have read. According to a psychologist from the United States, some professions are more psychopaths than others.
Psychologist Kevin Dutton is an expert in this personality disorder and in his book "The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, spies and serial killers have to teach us about success" caused enough controversy to list the jobs that have higher incidence of psychopaths.
Check the list (and share with your colleagues who want to provide social communication!):
Media (Radio and TV)
Religious priest
Chef Kitchen
فهي ليست فقط ضحايا جرائم psychotronic والتعذيب النفسي، العضوية، والفسيولوجية، وراء الأخلاق التي هي ضحايا من المرضى النفسيين.
دعنا نقول، ضحايا الحالية من البرازيل والعالم هي بلا شك من حيث العدد والتنوع، والرجال والنساء من جميع الفئات العمرية، و 70٪ من النساء، وهي واحدة من ذروة من المرضى النفسيين تحقيقه، و"تماما" . طوال تاريخ البشرية بطريقة مخيفة، ومستمرة، دون انقطاع ومع الأمن الكلي للإفلات من العقاب، لدينا الآلاف من ضحايا الممارسات النفسية التي لا تتعب من التنديد وطلب "مساعدة" ودفع "تحت السجادة" مما أدى إلى الإفلات من العقاب والأهم من كل المرضى النفسيين بالتواطؤ التاريخ والممارسات السجل.
ما أعنيه أن البيان؟
بسيطة، كانت الضحية فريسة لا يمكن الدفاع عنها، والقضاء تحت رحمة هؤلاء المهنيين الجريمة هامشية، ليس لها وجود مادي، ولكن الاغتصاب والتعذيب مع الأصوات، ومطاردة، خطوة إلى الاجتماعية والعاطفية، ضحية الدينية، ليصبح إلها ضمن أعمالهم والتصميم الخاصة بها.
في بلدي الشكاوى عن مثل هذه الممارسات ضد أراضي السكان الأصليين (تستهدف الأفراد) دائما وأنا اعترف أن "هذه المرضى النفسيين هم جميع المهن تعتبر المستقبل" للآباء والأمهات والأسر، وهناك تواطؤ في كل فروع القوات المسلحة والمجتمع المدني.
مخيفة هي "مقنعة" الطريقة التي المساعدات القانونية هذه العناصر في "الإقناع"، وبالتالي تعتمد على مساهمات العديد المحيطة ضحايا الحالية مع "السلطة" التي تحيط الضحية، لكن على نحو سري، وأن السرية يخضع لحراسة من قبل أولئك الذين هم أقرب إلى الضحايا، و TIS.
اليوم، لأن المسح في الولايات المتحدة في هذه القضية، والتي هي ضد بياني، التي الرأي العام لسنوات، وليس عن طريق الإحصاءات ولكن عن طريق معرفة طريقة عمل وأداء هذه العناصر شديدة الخطورة لسكان العالم.
السماح للبحث؟
المصدر: http://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/blogs/pordentrodasprofissoes/as-profissoes-com-mais-psicopatas/
المهن معظم المرضى النفسيين
أماندا Previdelli | 2012/11/14
هذا ما كنت قد قرأت. وفقا لطبيب نفساني من الولايات المتحدة، وبعض المهن المزيد من المرضى النفسيين من غيرها.
علم النفس كيفن دوتون هو خبير في هذا اضطراب في الشخصية وفي كتابه "الحكمة من المرضى النفسيين: ما القديسين والجواسيس والسفاحين أن يعلمنا عن نجاح" أثارت جدلا يكفي لسرد الوظائف التي لديها أعلى معدل من المرضى النفسيين.
تحقق من قائمة (ومشاركتها مع زملائك الذين يرغبون في تقديم التواصل الاجتماعي!):
الرئيس التنفيذي
وسائل الإعلام (الإذاعة والتلفزيون)
موظف شرطة
الكاهن الديني
الشيف مطبخ
Ed Gein inspired the murderer of "The Silence of the Lambs" Image source: Yell Magazine
Ed Gein inspirou o assassino de "O Silêncio dos Inocentes" Fonte da imagem: Yell Magazinehttp://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm

Psychopaths who persecute TIs pursue the TIs within the elementary and globally.
As his illness (psycho), does not happen in isolated psychic functions and psychopathology compartment mentalizadas this or that function and where the person in all that sick, he (psychopathic) practices with the victim actions that can result in behaviors that compromise as having psychological problems and psychopathology, transferring to the victims, studiously, false reactions because they are not "natural", but promoted in relations to the facts that should be life, but they are not.
From the moment in which a human being is selected to not only IT he has his brain, but body and mapped life, and psychopathic.
They understand the dimension of intelligence?
The transfer of the disease or creation of mental diseases on the victims to be stigmatized is a shield to further offenses which may occur at the group that is in this practice for many years.
One practice is INDUCTION TO SUICIDE through V2K and invasion of privacy, but if the victim had coportamentos "abnormal" seen by family members, neighbors and friends, will result in suicide by depression and mental problems and not.
Mais um nome da lista que nunca foi capturado. Responsável por cinco assassinatos confirmados durante a década de 60, no norte da Califórnia. Porém, o serial killer afirmava ter matado 37 pessoas e deixou cartas codificadas que até hoje não foram decifradas completamente.Another mailing list that was never caught. Responsible for five murders confirmed during the 60's in northern California. However, the serial killer claimed to have killed 37 people and left coded cards to date have not been deciphered completely.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm
Os PSICOPATAS que perseguem os TIs perseguem os TIs dentro do nível elementar e global.
Assim como sua doença (psicopata), não acontece em funções psíquicas isoladas e alterações psicopatológicas comparti mentalizadas desta ou daquela função e sempre a pessoa na sua totalidade que adoece, ele (psicopata) pratica com a vítima ações que possam resultar em comportamentos que a comprometam como portadores de problemas psíquicos e alterações psicopatólogicas, transferindo para as vítimas, estudadamente, falsas reações, por não serem "naturais", mas promovidas, em relações aos fatos que deveriam ser da vida, mas não são.
A partir do momento em que um ser humano é selecionado para TI ele tem não somente seu cérebro, mas organismo e vida mapeados, e por psicopatas.
Entenderam a dimensão da inteligência?
A transferência da doença, ou criação de doenças mentais nas vítimas para que sejam estigmatizadas, é um resguardo a incriminações futuras que possam ocorrer contra o grupo que está nesta prática há anos.
Uma das práticas é a INDUÇÃO AO SUICÍDIO através do V2K e da invasão à privacidade, mas se a vítima tiver tido comportamentos "anormais" visíveis, pelos familiares, vizinhos e amigos, resultará em suicídio por depressão e problemas mentais e não por INDUÇÃO que constitui crime codificado no Brasil e tortura fere os Direitos Humanos.
المرضى النفسيين الذين فتنوا مؤشرات النقل متابعة مؤشرات النقل داخل الابتدائية وعالميا.
كما مرضه (النفسية)، لا يحدث في وظائف نفسية معزولة وmentalizadas مقصورة النفسية هذا أو ذاك وظيفة والتي يكون فيها الشخص في كل ذلك، انه الممارسات المرضية (سيكوباتي) مع الإجراءات الضحية التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى السلوكيات التي سطا كما تواجه مشاكل نفسية والأمراض النفسية، ونقل للضحايا، مثابر، وردود الفعل كاذبة لأنهم ليسوا "الطبيعي"، ولكن تعزيز العلاقات مع الحقائق التي ينبغي أن تكون الحياة، لكنها ليست كذلك.
منذ اللحظة التي يتم فيها اختيار إنسان ليس فقط تكنولوجيا المعلومات لديه دماغه، ولكن الجسم وحياة معين، وسيكوباتي.
أنهم يفهمون أبعاد الذكاء؟
نقل المرض أو إنشاء الأمراض النفسية على الضحايا أن وصم هو درع لمزيد من الجرائم التي قد تحدث في المجموعة التي هي في هذه الممارسة لسنوات عديدة.
على سبيل المثال:
ممارسة واحدة هي التعريفي للانتحار من خلال V2K وانتهاك الخصوصية، ولكن إذا كان الضحية السلوك "غير طبيعي" ينظر من قبل أفراد الأسرة والجيران والأصدقاء، وسوف يؤدي إلى الانتحار عن طريق الاكتئاب والعقلية المشاكل وليس عن طريق الاستقراء الذي هو قننت الجريمة في البرازيل وجروح التعذيب حقوق الإنسان.
Albert Fish - Sequestrador, estuprador e canibal com um longo histórico de insanidade na família. Chegou a enviar carta para os familiares de uma de suas vítimas, contando detalhes de como a devorou. Foi executado na cadeira elétrica.Albert Fish - Kidnapper, rapist and cannibal with a long history of insanity in the family. Even sent letter to the family of one of his victims, telling details of how he devoured. It was executed in the electric chair.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm
Inglesa que matou mais de 20 pessoas, incluindo seus próprios filhos, com arsênio. É a assassina serial mais conhecida de todos os tempos. Matou três maridos, um amante e diversas crianças para obter dinheiro do seguro. Foi enforcada em 24 de março de 1873.
English that killed more than 20 people, including their own children with arsenic. It is the serial killer best known of all time. He killed three husbands, a lover and several children for insurance money. He was hanged on March 24, 1873.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm
O Psicopata se caracteriza não pelos sinais e os sintomas, mas, sobretudo, o fundo mental e inter-humano do qual eles procedem e no qual se realizam.
Por esse motivo, eles atacam mentalmente os TIs usando recursos de vozes e conexões, muitas vítimas internalizam tudo o que ouvem e sofrem com medo de internações e sob efeitos de psicotrópicos ficar mais a mercê destes elementos marginais, entrando no inter-humano da vítima eles produzem atrocidades inimagináveis tornando a mesma uma espécie de cobaia.

Known for killing nine of his children by strangulation, causing them to hospital when they were practically dead. It goes unnoticed for a long time by the authorities, as they believed that the victims died by family genetic conditions. When the same "fate" happened to an adopted child, doctors began to suspect Marybeth. Was sentenced to life imprisonment on July 17, 1987http://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm
لهذا السبب، فإنها عقليا مهاجمة مؤشرات النقل باستخدام موارد من الأصوات والاتصالات، العديد من الضحايا استيعاب كل ما تسمع ويعانون من الخوف من المستشفى وتحت تأثير العقلية تصبح أكثر تحت رحمة هذه العناصر الهامشية، دخول الضحية بين الإنسان التي إنتاج فظائع لا يمكن تصورها مما يجعل من نفسه نوع من خنزير غينيا.
The Psychopath is characterized not by the signs and symptoms, but, above all, mental and inter-human background from which they come and in which are held.
For this reason, they mentally attack the TIs using resources of voices and connections, many victims internalize everything they hear and suffer from fear of hospitalization and under psychotropic effects become more at the mercy of these fringe elements, entering the inter-human victim they produce unimaginable atrocities making the same kind of guinea pig.
Dorothea Puente - Em 1988, essa senhora de 60 anos foi sentenciada à prisão perpétua pelo assassinato de nove pessoas. Dona de um lar para idosos com necessidades especiais, Dorothea matava os internos e continuava a receber seus benefícios.Dorothea Puente
In 1988, this lady of 60 years was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of nine people. Owner of a home for the elderly with special needs, Dorothea killed internal and continued to receive its benefits.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/policia/37598-9-serial-killers-mais-famosos-do-mundo.htm
Se a vítima realmente tivesse problemas como os do seu agressor, a debilidade mental seria desenvolvido no todo, mente, corpo, ações.
Isso não pode ocorrer, então o "todo" é construído, esse é o motivo do cerceamento de cada vítima.
Aos "cooperadores", esses, atuam nas derrotas, em todos os sentidos da vida e isso será aliado a introjeções mentais que provocam reações de raiva, ódio e podem causam rompantes comportamentais pelo stress, dores física, morais e sociais sofridas pela vítima.
Conhecido como “Canibal de Milwaukee”, Dahmer foi responsável por abusar, torturar, matar e devorar partes dos corpos de 17 homens e meninos entre os anos de 1978 e 1991. O primeiro assassinato ocorreu quando o canibal tinha apenas 18 anos de idade, e Dahmer foi preso depois de uma de suas vítimas, Tracy Edwards, ser vista correndo pela rua com algemas.Known as the "Cannibal of Milwaukee," Dahmer was responsible for abusing, torturing, killing and devouring parts of the bodies of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. The first murder occurred when the cannibal was only 18 years old, and Dahmer was arrested after one of his victims, Tracy Edwards, be seen running down the street with handcuffs.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/historias-macabras/44633-4-dos-serial-killers-mais-sanguinarios-os-de-todos-os-tempos.htm
Symptomatic psychopathology, as a study of isolated symptoms, no more than a rudimentary psychiatric symptomatology is insufficient pr worsen the lives of the victims, so in psychiatric disorders the symptoms that make up are structurally interconnected, Psychopathology does not develop not be starting from certain syndromes (psychopathology syndromic), and such syndromes are "built into the psyche" of each victim, and together.
If the victim really had problems like those of her attacker, mental weakness would be developed in all, mind, body, actions.
It can not happen, then the "whole" is built, this is the restriction of the subject of each victim.
The "cooperators" these, act in defeat, in every way of life and it will be combined with mental introjections that provoke angry reactions, hatred and can cause behavioral outbursts by stress, physical, moral and social pain suffered by the victim.
الأمراض النفسية أعراض، كدراسة الأعراض معزولة، لا مزيد من أعراض الأمراض النفسية بدائية غير كافية العلاقات العامة ساءت حياة الضحايا، وذلك في الاضطرابات النفسية والأعراض التي تشكل مترابطة هيكليا، علم النفس المرضي لا تتطور لا سيتم بدءا من بعض المتلازمات (علم النفس المرضي متلازمي)، وهذه المتلازمات هي "في صلب نفسية" كل ضحية، وجنبا إلى جنب.
إذا كانت الضحية كان حقا مشاكل مثل تلك التي المعتدي عليها، وستوضع الضعف العقلي في كل شيء، العقل والجسد، والإجراءات.
لا يمكن أن يحدث، ثم "كامل" بني، وهذا هو تقييد موضوع كل ضحية.
و"المتعاونين" هذه، والتصرف في الهزيمة، في كل وسيلة للحياة، وسوف تكون جنبا إلى جنب مع introjections العقلية التي تثير ردود فعل غاضبة والكراهية ويمكن أن يسبب نوبات سلوكية بسبب الإجهاد، الألم الجسدي والمعنوي والاجتماعي الذي يعاني منه الضحية.
Kroll foi um serial killer e canibal alemão que, embora tenha sido condenado pela morte de 8 pessoas, admitiu ter assassinado ao menos 13. Também conhecido como “Canibal de Ruhr”, Kroll foi preso em 1976, depois de policiais que investigavam o desaparecimento de Marion Ketter — uma menina de 4 anos — em um prédio residencial ouvirem uma história estranha de um dos moradores.Kroll was a serial killer and German cannibal who, although he was convicted of killing eight people, admitted killing at least 13. Also known as "Ruhr Cannibal" Kroll was arrested in 1976 after police investigating the disappearance of Marion Ketter - a girl of four years - in a residential building to hear a strange story of one of the residents.http://www.megacurioso.com.br/historias-macabras/44633-4-dos-serial-killers-mais-sanguinarios-os-de-todos-os-tempos.htm
Em minhas pesquisas encontrei uma matéria interessante, vejam:
O que fazer ao sofrer ataques de psicopatas?
Alguns conselhos úteis para lidar com essa escória da humanidade, vindos de quem tem uma "Cobra Criada" há 4 décadas lesando sua família:
1. Primeiro de tudo: mantenha a calma. Observe, analise a situação. Psicopatas são frios, calculistas, racionais. E covardes. Costumam fazer vítimas entre gente frágil, fraca, sentimental, molenga. Portanto, observe o Psicopata, como ele/ela atua e se analise também. Mude atitudes, se for o caso. Seja duro e implacável com ele.
2. Seja calculista também. Planeje sua defesa. Não fique esperando os ataques sentado comodamente vendo TV. Leia, se informe, aprenda como estes seres nefastos enganam e lesam suas vítimas.
3. Analise o "seu" psicopata. Eles são duros, parecem poderosos, mas têm fragilidades, pontos fracos, falhas. Muitos são rasos, repetitivos, imbecilizados. Descubra os pontos fracos dos que te atacam e use isso com inteligência, nos confrontos.
4. Procure ajuda, apoios, companhia. Procure não ficar só. Lembre-se: psicopatas são covardes e buscam vítimas fragilizadas. Faça amigos, presenciais ou virtuais, contate os familiares, conte pros vizinhos, mobilize pessoas para que acompanhem sua vida.
5. Se possível, a cada ataque sofrido, desfira outro. Sempre de forma fria, analisando os riscos. Não leve desaforo pra casa!
6. No caso do psicopata que te ataca cometer crimes, DENUNCIE-O! Ainda que seja de forma anônima, pelo Disque-Denúncia: 181.
7. No embate contra o Poder do Maligno, use o Poder da Comunicação. Crie blog, página no Facebook, no Twitter, em outras redes. Se comunique, troque experiências, se torne visível. Isto certamente poderá inibir ou enfraquecer ataques.
In my research I found an interesting subject, see: In my research I found an interesting subject, see:
What to do psychopaths suffer attacks?
Some useful advice to deal with this scum of humanity, coming from someone who has a "Built Cobra" for 4 decades injuring his family:
1. First of all: keep calm. Observe, analyze the situation. Psychopaths are cold, calculating, rational. And cowards. Often make victims among people fragile, weak, sentimental softie. Therefore, note the Psychopath, as he / she operates and analysis as well. Change attitudes, where applicable. Be tough and unforgiving with him.
2. Be calculative too. Plan your defense. Do not wait the sitting comfortably watching TV attacks. Read, inquire, learn how these nefarious beings deceive and harm their victims.
3. Analyze "his" psychopath. They are hard, seem powerful, but have weaknesses, weaknesses, failures. Many are shallow, repetitive, moronic. Discover the weaknesses of that attack you and use it intelligently, in the clashes.
4. Seek help, support, company. Try not to be alone. Remember: psychopaths are cowards and seek vulnerable victims. Make friends, or virtual contact family members, neighbors tell pros, mobilize people to accompany your life.
5. If possible, each suffered attack, Deliver another. Always cold way, analyzing the risks. Do not take shit home!
6. In the case of the psychopath who attacks you commit a crime, report it! Albeit anonymously, the hotline: 181.
7. In the struggle against the power of the evil one, use the communication power. Create blog, Facebook page, on Twitter, on other networks. To communicate, share experiences, become visible. This may certainly inhibit or weaken attacks.
No caso dos grupos geridos ou formado pelos PSICOPATAS, mais de 30 anos de sofrimentos e perseguições, vejam como atuam com ajuda dos satélites, psicotronia, v2k e outros sistemas tecnológicos.in the case of managed groups or formed by psychopaths, more than 30 years of suffering and persecution, see how they work with the help of satellites, psicotronia, Talk v2 and other technological systems.
Preste atenção!
Esse vídeo é de um Vítima e Ativista de Salvador - Rosangela Santos Brandão.
Ela está falando "exatamente" o que está ouvindo.
Dois dias dentro de um ônibus em trânsito e ela não teve um minuto sem ser vítimada pelo SISTEMA DE TORTURAS MENTAIS - Psicotronia e V2k.
O que ela fala é o que ouve.
Está assim há mais de dez anos.
É um grupo orientado e direcionado que está torturando a sua mente para que ela reaja como uma "louca", a reação da vítima é de suma importância para que ela seja invalidada em qualquer depoimento, assim, esse grupo de psicopatas que implantam o terrorismo, submetem vítimas tem ser presos, julgados e condenados.
Nas regiões do Centro Oeste, e interiorana, cresce o nº de vítimas, assim, muitas se deslocam para litorais para tentar se livrar, mas eles não o permitem, são perseguidas e atacadas em suas novas residências.
This video is a victim and activist Salvador - Rosangela Santos Brandão.
She's talking "exactly" what you're hearing.
Two days in a bus in traffic and she had not a minute without being victimized by TORTURE SYSTEM MENTAL - Psicotronia and V2K.
What she says is what you hear.
It is well over ten years.
It is a focused and targeted group that is torturing your mind to react like a "crazy", the victim's reaction is very important for it to be invalidated in any testimony, so this group of psychopaths who deploy terrorism, submit victims have to be arrested, tried and convicted.
In parts of the Midwest and inland, growing the number of victims, so many moving to coastal to try to get rid of, but they do not permit, they are persecuted and attacked in their new homes.
HELP ROSANGELA BRANDÃO SANTOS AND ALL OF BRAZIL IT - Rosangela Santos Brandaohttps://www.facebook.com/rosa.santosbrandao/videos/789887214489997/Hadassar
Entrando no GOOGLE digite:
- vítimas de crimes de torturas mentais;
- targeted individual;
- tis nos Brasil.
e você vai encontrar as vítimas em depoimentos, vídeos e áudios.
Entering the GOOGLE type:
- Victims of mental torture crimes;
- Individual targeted;
- Tis in Brazil.
and you will find the victims testimonials, videos and audios.
Com certeza, quando esses grupos de psicopatas forem detidos, quando os Poderes Nacionais o conseguirem, com certeza, em cada estado do Brasil será necessário a construção de um presídio, e dentro de cada presídio será possível formação de uma escola - universidade, laboratórios científicos, pelo número de financiadores, usuários, mentores, pepers, e participantes destes crimes de torturas.
Naly de Araujo Leite
Certainly, when these psychopaths groups were held, when the National Powers achieve this, of course, in every state in Brazil to build a prison it will be necessary, and within each prison will be possible formation of a school - university, scientific laboratories , the number of donors, members, mentors, pepers, and participants of these torture crimes.
Naly de Araujo Leite