Aconteceu nas dependências da câmara de Vereadores a Audiência
Pública, promovida pela Secretaria da Administração e Finanças. O Secretário
Rui José Machado, abriu a audiência saudando os presentes e passou o comando da
reunião para o pessoal da contabilidade que efetuou a demonstração do
cumprimento de Metas do 3º Quadrimestre de 2015.
Com a presença de Vereadores, Secretários, Dirigentes de
Associações e público, foram passados todos os dados referentes a demonstração
do cumprimento de Metas do 3º Quadrimestre de 2015.
O prefeito Claudemir Matias em seu pronunciamento comprovou a
diminuição dos encargos da folha de pagamento em relação as receitas, “conseguimos
baixar o índice para 48,71% apesar de oferecermos mais serviços para a
comunidade”, referindo-se a inauguração da Creche Nadida Micheref e do Complexo
Escolar Franciele e Richelle Torquato Ferreira, que absorveram um grande número
de servidores. O limite máximo dos encargos da folha sobre a receita é de 54%.
O secretário destacou que das metas estabelecidas algumas não foram
alcançadas, nas receitas em função desistência na assinatura de contrato de
financiamento pelo custo elevado dos juros.
Municipal de Administração e Finanças
Gaspar Toscan
Public information # 104
Barra Velha, March 3, 2016
Public hearing
Presentation Goals of compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 year.It happened on the premises of the City Council Public Hearing, organized by the Department of Administration and Finance. The Secretary Rui José Machado, opened the audience greeted the presents and spent the meeting of the command to the accounting personnel who made the demonstration of compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 goals.
With the presence of councilors, secretaries, associations and public leaders, were passed all the data for demonstrating compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 goals.
The mayor Claudemir Matias in his speech confirmed the decrease in payroll costs in relation to revenue, "we can download the index to 48.71% in spite of offering more services to the community," referring to the inauguration of Nursery Nadida Micheref and Franciele School Complex and Richelle Torquato Ferreira, who absorbed a large number of servers. The ceiling of sheet charges on income is 54%.
The secretary pointed out that the targets set some were not met, the revenue due to withdrawal in signing the financing agreement by the high interest costs.
Source:Municipal Administration and FinancePhotos: Gaspar Toscan

Barra Velha, March 3, 2016
Public hearing
Presentation Goals of compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 year.It happened on the premises of the City Council Public Hearing, organized by the Department of Administration and Finance. The Secretary Rui José Machado, opened the audience greeted the presents and spent the meeting of the command to the accounting personnel who made the demonstration of compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 goals.
With the presence of councilors, secretaries, associations and public leaders, were passed all the data for demonstrating compliance with the 3rd quarter of 2015 goals.
The mayor Claudemir Matias in his speech confirmed the decrease in payroll costs in relation to revenue, "we can download the index to 48.71% in spite of offering more services to the community," referring to the inauguration of Nursery Nadida Micheref and Franciele School Complex and Richelle Torquato Ferreira, who absorbed a large number of servers. The ceiling of sheet charges on income is 54%.
The secretary pointed out that the targets set some were not met, the revenue due to withdrawal in signing the financing agreement by the high interest costs.
Source:Municipal Administration and FinancePhotos: Gaspar Toscan

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