pública nº 235
Velha, 10 de junho de 2016
unidade de saúde Quinta dos Açorianos
No total, um investimento de
R$ 1.432.000,00
A Prefeitura de Barra Velha
e a Secretaria de Saúde estão empenhadas nas obras de construção das unidades
de saúde nos bairros Centro, Itajuba e Quinta dos Açorianos.
O Prefeito Claudemir Matias,
Juntamente com o encarregado pela empresa Possamai, responsável pela obra, do secretário
de Saúde, Ronnye
Peterson dos Santos e do engenheiro da prefeitura Mario Cesar Leal fez
uma visita na unidade da Quinta dos Açorianos, nesta sexta-feira, para
verificar o andamento das obras que já está em sua fase de conclusão.
Cada unidade terá, em média, 11 profissionais. Os ESF
terão consultório médico, odontológico, sala de
enfermagem, sala de vacina, sala de reuniões, sala de curativo, acolhimento,
farmácia e banheiros.
Para construção da unidade
serão investidos R$ 408.000 e está em fase de acabamento.
Fonte: Secretaria da Saúde
Foto: Gaspar Toscan
Public information # 235
Barra Velha, June 10, 2016
New health facility Quinta dos Azoreans
In total, an investment of R $ 1,432,000.00
The Old Bar City Hall and the Health Department are engaged in health facilities construction works in the neighborhoods Centro, Itajuba and Quinta dos Azoreans.
Mayor Claudemir Matias, along with the charge for Possamai company responsible for the work, the Health Secretary, Ronnye Peterson dos Santos and the engineer of the city Mario Cesar Leal made a visit in the unity of Quinta dos Azoreans, on Friday, to check the progress of the work that is already in its final stages.
Each unit will have an average of 11 professionals. The ESF will have medical office, dental, nursing room, vaccination room, meeting room, dressing room, reception, pharmacy and bathrooms.
To drive the construction will be invested R $ 408,000 and is being finished.
Source: Department of Health
Photo: Gaspar Toscan
Barra Velha, June 10, 2016
New health facility Quinta dos Azoreans
In total, an investment of R $ 1,432,000.00
The Old Bar City Hall and the Health Department are engaged in health facilities construction works in the neighborhoods Centro, Itajuba and Quinta dos Azoreans.
Mayor Claudemir Matias, along with the charge for Possamai company responsible for the work, the Health Secretary, Ronnye Peterson dos Santos and the engineer of the city Mario Cesar Leal made a visit in the unity of Quinta dos Azoreans, on Friday, to check the progress of the work that is already in its final stages.
Each unit will have an average of 11 professionals. The ESF will have medical office, dental, nursing room, vaccination room, meeting room, dressing room, reception, pharmacy and bathrooms.
To drive the construction will be invested R $ 408,000 and is being finished.
Source: Department of Health
Photo: Gaspar Toscan
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